Résidents de St-Liboire

Ce blogue est dédié à regrouper de l'information sur le projet d'exploitation des gaz de schiste au Québec.

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Petition against Shale gas - English version

I have made an English version of the petition's text.
I've had help on this translation...

Thank's to both of you friends... Steve Timmins and Mary (you would have recognized yourselves anyway ;) )


WHEREAS shale gas exploration and production operations are now taking place in Quebec and such operations carry enormous environmental risks, particularly, in terms of their impact on water, due to the chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process, and also in terms of impact on climate change by causing an increase in greenhouse gas emissions;

WHEREAS the environmental consequences of shale gas operations has been devastating in the U.S. and Alberta;

WHEREAS, shale gas operations raise a legitimate concern among citizens, communities and municipal officials who lack the power to prevent such operations from taking place in their vicinities and against their will, or lack the resources to adequately manage all the immediate and long-term negative impacts of these operations;

WHEREAS, the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE), Quebec’s environmental assessment and hearing board, has received a mandate that is limited to proposing a framework for the rapid development of the shale gas industry in Quebec, and shale gas drilling and fracking operations have been allowed to continue unchecked, even while the BAPE’s work is underway;

WHEREAS Quebec society is fully able now to undertake a shift to sustainable energies that will contribute to reducing destructive greenhouse gases, while creating much greater employment and wealth for the benefit of all Quebecers;

WHEREAS it is essential that Quebecers decide collectively and for ourselves how our resources are to be exploited, and that, in view of the importance of this issue, it is imperative that a broad public consultation process and comprehensive studies be carried out as the only legitimate way in which to make decisions about our energy future;

WHEREFORE, we, the citizens of Quebec, DEMAND that the Quebec government impose an immediate and full moratorium on all shale gas exploration and production operations and activities in Quebec.

This page is intended to help you understand what we want you to sign.
Revisors's note : It's more of an adaptation than a translation.

By cliquing the link above, you'll be redirected to the official french version of the petition.
You need to fill in a form with your full name, city, province, country, postal code and e-mail.
You'll be sent an email wich contains a link that you'll have to clic for confirmation.

And it will be done.

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